

Why are Yuhui’s products so popular?

Source: Company News:2023-08-11 Browse:

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Compared with the traditional hammer crusher or impact sand making machine, Yuhui Heavy Industry's double-roller sand making machine has insurmountable technical advantages. Therefore, many manufacturers use Yuhui Heavy Industry's sand making machine as a technical replacement. The product.

In the highly competitive roller sand making machine market, Yuhui Heavy Industry's products have also received widespread attention.

As we all know, the most difficult technical problem to overcome in the roller sand making machine is the roller skin problem. The roller skin of the common double-roller sand making machine on the market has exposed many problems, such as the roller skin is not wear-resistant enough, the service life is short, and the maintenance of the roller skin is inconvenient.


After years of analysis of the market, Yuhui Heavy Industry decided to use a specially proportioned high manganese alloy as the raw material for making the roller skin. At the same time, the roller skin was thickened at all costs to make the roller skin itself more wear-resistant. It is also combined with the medium-pressure laminated crushing method to transform the equipment from stone to iron to stone to stone, thereby reducing the loss of the roller skin. When facing some softer stones, it can be used for up to three years.


Yuhui Heavy Industry has always adhered to the concept of technology-driven product innovation and believes that more excellent products will be launched in the future.

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