

Yuhui Heavy Industry roller machine replaces impact crushing case

Source: Company News:2023-07-15 Browse:

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This sand field originally used two impact sand making machines (impact crushing). However, the power consumption of impact crushing is too large (about 3.6 kilowatt hours of electricity per ton); due to the working principle of the impact sand making machine, the wear-resistant parts of the impact sand making machine also have a large loss, and there is a lot of ash, which is a waste of resource output. Not only is there no way to use the ash, it has to be thrown away, but the ash will adhere to the inside of the machine, making it difficult to handle.



After many comparisons, the sand factory decided to replace it with our company's double-roller sand making machine. The first sand making machine in this sand plant was switched to our PGY1300*1000 sand making machine. The power consumption and wear-resistant parts loss were immediately reduced, the output was doubled, and the useless fine ash was greatly reduced, which means that more raw materials became Machine-made sand, this is pure profit.


It turns out that the daily output of a single machine is only 1,000 tons (the machine runs for 10 hours a day, the same below), but the ash content reaches 15%, which means that the unusable ash alone reaches 150 tons, and the production burden is still very high. . After replacing the Yuhui Heavy Industry roller machine, the daily output of a single machine has reached more than 2,000 tons, and the ash content has been compressed to less than 5%. Just the reduced ash content turned into machine-made sand can reach 200 tons per day, multiplied by the unit price 60 yuan, the income increase would reach 12,000 yuan under the same circumstances. Now the daily revenue of this roller machine has reached 120,000 yuan.


This customer was very satisfied with our sand making machine, and within a month he immediately purchased another PGY1400*1000 sand making machine to replace another impact sand making machine. The production capacity of this machine is stronger, and the daily output is expected to exceed 3,000 tons. Compared with the original impact breaker, the output has actually tripled, with an estimated daily revenue of 200,000 yuan. After the new equipment is installed, the output has increased, energy consumption has been reduced, and the waste of raw materials has also been reduced, so the equipment has been updated. Replacement is still very important.

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