

What aspects should be considered when choosing a roller sand making machine?

Source: Company News:2023-05-27 Browse:

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There are many roller sand making machines to choose from on the market now, and the roller machine market is a mixed bag. Choosing a double-roller sand making machine with good quality and good service will not only make production more convenient and faster, but also greatly reduce production costs; the manufacturer's high-quality after-sales service will also make the repair and maintenance of the double-roller machine much simpler.


The most important component of the roller sand making machine is the roller. The material is broken into sand through the roller. The size of the discharged material can be controlled by adjusting the distance between the rollers. The roller needs to be in direct contact with the material, so it requires a certain degree of wear resistance. Many manufacturers will choose rollers made of high chromium alloy and thicken the roller skin to make it more wear-resistant. Some manufacturers also use the medium-pressure lamination crushing method, which changes the past "stone-for-iron" production method and further reduces the wear of the rollers; when reprocessing the same stone of the same quality, medium-pressure lamination crushing is used The roller skin of the method is obviously smaller than the latter.

The distance between the roller skins is adjustable, so the pressure regulating structure is also very important. Mid-to-high-end roller machines generally use hydraulic pressure regulation.


In addition, the amount of sand produced and the particle shape of the sand are also important indicators to judge the quality of a roller machine.

Choosing an excellent manufacturer means choosing excellent after-sales service. Equipment such as roller sand making machines require regular inspection and maintenance; some sand making machine manufacturers do not have the ability to produce parts and just assemble the products of each manufacturer together. brand, so after-sales service is a big problem. The manufacturer cannot provide the required parts in time, not only delaying production, but also consuming energy. Therefore, when choosing a roller sand making machine, you must also have a relatively good understanding of the manufacturer.

When choosing good equipment, you must also choose a good manufacturer.


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