

Is the roller sand making machine environmentally friendly?

Source: Company News:2023-05-08 Browse:

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Many customers are very satisfied with our double-roller sand making machine, but they will ask whether our sand making machine is environmentally friendly. As our country pays more attention to green and sustainable development, current bosses are also more concerned about environmental protection issues in the sand making industry. Today we are here to briefly introduce one of the outstanding features of the roller sand making machine: environmental protection.

Why is the roller sand making machine said to be environmentally friendly?

The production process of the roller sand making machine is actually green and pollution-free. From the perspective of pollution, the noise generated by the roller sand making machine is very small, and the dust generated with production is also very low. Because our double-roller sand making machine is different from the dual-motor drive of common products on the market, our company's products are driven by a single motor and the speed is also low. The energy consumption during production is very low compared to other similar products on the market. Low.



Furthermore, the double-roller sand making machine can be used both dry and wet. It can be produced even when water is added, without clogging the machine at all, and will not cause any dust accumulation or dust emission.


Introduction to the feed and discharge particle size of roller sand making machine:

The maximum feed particle size of the roller sand making machine is below 4-5cm. The larger the rollers and body of the roller sand making machine are, the larger the feed particle size will be. The discharge particle size of the roller sand making machine is normally between 1-5mm, which can be adjusted at will to control the particle size.

In short, the environmentally friendly double-roller sand making machine has won the favor of the majority of users with its various advantages and is a well-deserved mainstay of the sand making industry. 

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