

He Jianxiong, Vice President of Hunan Institute of Technology, led a team to Qiyang to visit enterprises for job openings and negotiate school-enterprise cooperation.

Source:Hunan Yuhui Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. Company News:2022-07-21 Browse:

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In order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the employment of college graduates, He Jianxiong, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Hunan Institute of Technology, led a team to Hunan Yuhui Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. for investigation and discussion on July 19.

Xie Yu, Chairman of Yuhui Heavy Industry, first extended a warm welcome to the leaders and teachers of his alma mater as an alumnus. He affectionately reviewed every detail of his study and growth at the school, shared his entrepreneurial experience, and expressed his gratitude for the education and training of his alma mater. Feelings. Xie Yu then introduced the company's development history, current status and future development plans, led a tour of the company's production and processing sites, and explained in detail the company's R&D, market operations and talent needs.

He Jianxiong introduced the basic situation of the school, focusing on the professional features of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, and discussed school-enterprise cooperation in two aspects: First, to further increase school-enterprise talents through the "3+1" model of the Excellence Plan The depth of cooperation in co-training promotes the employment of our school graduates; the second is to strengthen industry-university-research cooperation. School doctors and professors go deep into enterprises to understand the technical needs of enterprises and production and scientific research difficulties, and form flexible research teams with enterprise researchers to do scientific research in Workshop, write the paper on the production line.

Peng Lixin, director of the Department of Discipline Construction and Development Planning, Liu Jizhao, dean of the School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, Wu Yuanzhi, dean of the Automotive Parts Technology Research Institute, Pang Zhaohui, deputy director of the Department of Science and Technology and School-Enterprise Cooperation, intelligent manufacturing and mechanical engineering Vice deans of the college Bi Hongxia, Wang Xiaohu and teachers Zhang Rong accompanied the inspection.

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